Thursday, January 6, 2011

Great Depression Webquest

Essential Question - What were the main causes of the Great Depression, and how did it become a world-wide depression?

SS6H7a - The student will describe major developments following World War 1: The Russian Revolution, The Treaty of Versailles, Worldo-Wide Depression, and the Rise of Nazism.

Click on the following link to begin your webquest. Make sure you check out every link, and explore the information contained in each link. If a link does not exist, then move onto the next link.

Once you have completed the webquest, and get to the "Be an explorer" section, you must complete ONE of the assignments to be turned into Mr. Keve as a grade. The links under the "Prepare a Depression Era Meal" do not work. If you want to complete this assignment, you may either google "Depression era recipes" or click on this link.